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Law of Attraction



this law determines the complete order in universe ,no matter where you from ,your race,religion caste. you have infinite power of the universe that you can use and lies within you of your thoughts you are the one to call it wheter it’s negative or positive .

Everything that is coming in your life is what you’re attracting into your life by the universal law of attraction .

Experiencing the Law of Attraction in day to day life

Do you ever wonder what you need just falls into place or comes to you Or you’ve met someone on the street you’ve been thinking you’ve met the perfect person that you have imagined or life partner, just at the right place at the right time? All of these experiences are because of the Law of Attraction in your life. Take a step back and think about what you were thinking before this were consistently training your thoughts to be positive as Napoline hills said:

“We become what we think about”


the word vibe is often used to describe the mood or feeling that you pick from someone. like you have been around a person and said this guy giving me a good vibe, this guy giving me bad vibes.

vibe word comes from vibration either ( +postive ) or (- negative ) the law of attraction is responding to the vibration you are offering. Right now, at this moment, it is matching your vibration by giving whether positive or negative This depends on your thoughts about what you are thinking at the moment.

you can go through any dictionary and select a word that describes feelings that must be put into two categories positive or negative vibrations.

Here are some examples

The vibration is a term used in how this law is proved in a scientific way.

wishful thinking.

some people who think this is wishful thinking and all this is crap.but in my perspective we are programming our brain to have what we want and observe you’ll start thinking, doing things that are making closer of what you want.

let me tell you about Jim carrey

Actor and comedian Jim Carrey wrote himself check of 10 million when had nothing in his pocket said himself in 10-year he will make 10 million dollars. The check remained there until it deteriorated but Carrey eventually made it: he earned millions for movies like Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and Dumb and Dumber. Do you still call it wishful thinking!!

Hinduism uses the Law of Attraction

In Hinduism, you have seen people using mantra!!

what is mantra??

mantra is collection words with deep meanings which is used by people for changing their current situtation and to attract postive vibes .people often use them when they are feeling frustrated, impatient, doubtful, worried, or scared some use in thier daily life.

#As you repeat the mantra, you visualize what you want to create.

This law doesn’t mean that negatives vibes won’t affect you but you’ll better learn how to tackle them. Become a better version of yourself

Thank you for giving me the time to read this blog. #stay safe #stay healthy

have a great day ahead !!!

