Facts, feelings & dangers behind Face Masks.

4 min readJun 18, 2020


While I was in the market with my brother, I had a hard time noticing his expression- was he smiling, or was he frowning? I simultaneously happened to see a kid wearing a mask and began to wonder how will it affect his understanding of facial expressions. What about the deaf people in a country like India which doesn’t have a standard sign language and people are dependent on lip reading for communication. So I began searching and came across and I hope you enjoy the read.

many country adopted masks as the intinal product of their day to day life .stepping out of home means compulsorily wearing the mask .But hasn’t practice this cause change in our basic communication of our day to day life?its hard for anyone to know what are the emotions hiding behind mask.

A short history of mask

have you ever wonder about the invention of the simple piece of cloth used to cover our face it was way back then in 1910 when a break out of epidemic called Pneumonic plague in china caused the death of 60,000 odd people. in1911 a Chinese doctor name wu laidan invented mask .thus opposed the theory that it’s not spread by rats rather it’s an airborne disease. It was way back in 2002–03 SARS hit China when again these masks were used and thus became popular amongst the common mass

Damage of face masks to our bodies.

the most important part to survive in COVID-19 is damaging by the face mask guess what??

immune system !!

wearing mask cause hypercapnia which means we breathing in more carbon dioxide because you can’t ventilate it. You’re restricting in the oxygen flow and going in a hypoxic state. There are a lot of studies that have been done even on nurses and doctors that say this leads to a reduction of oxygen level. Then the level of your cortisol starts driving up. basically cortisol is a stress-releasing hormone .which suppresses your immune system or it may be lead to other respiratory problems.

Sweden has done differently it has very much relied on its relationship with its citizen and the ability and willingness of its citizens to implement self-distancing and self-regulate, Sweden has already proven that a lockdown is not necessary to achieve herd immunity while maintaining a low-stress and viable economy.

“When you walk near someone or have an interaction where they can’t see that smile because of a face mask,somwhere you are losing some interaction with that person”

Masks hide what words can’t say

Though the masks are saving our lives somewhere I think it’s hiding our emotions. There are many things that words can’t express and a simple gesture of expression says it all. Thus to create an emotional bond we need to see the emotion on the person’s face.

effects on growing age children’s

effect of growing age children: Facial cues of happiness may be the easiest for young children to recognize. By the age of five, most children are able to identify happy faces with adult-like accuracy (Gau and Maurer et al 2010). But other emotions — like sadness, anger, disgust, and surprise — take much longer. Growing up with a mask on your face seems difficult. A kid going to school with a mask on will never learn how to express themself as they won’t be able to see the teacher’s expression for various situations. On the flip side, children who have more trouble identifying emotion in faces are more likely to have peer problems and learning difficulties.

Parents are guiding their child in the wrong way

Parents seem to guide their children the wrong way: I recently observed a 4–5yr old kid in the market with his dad. When suddenly his mask fell and it caused the child to weep. When asked by father what was the issue he replied “the mask has fallen, now I am going to die”. Parents must not scare the child to this extent. It’s a tender age and such thoughts if put in their mind can lead to depression. There are various positive ways in which the child can be taught why putting on a mask is necessary. In Addition to this, they must also be made to realize that people are recovering and things around the world would surely get better one day.

image via gofundme

The emotion expressing mask

These masks are created for the deaf so that their lip movement can be read. But I feel this is the best mask that one can be wearing. It serves the purpose of wearing the mask and doesn’t hide the emotions too.

I would like to thank Preksha mam, for reviewing and helping me out with the blog.

I tried covering a Different perspective on what we are going through and thank you for reading the blog, you are awesome.

……………………..Stay safe, Stay blessed………………………………

