Dealing with distraction

3 min readMay 2, 2020


we all are going through a time in which we want to do task but then you just see a notification on your phone screen and that take your all attention and you end up scrolling feed on social media for hours and then we feel guilty about yourself.

it seems impossible to avoid distraction but we can create a environment to deal with it ..

Let’s get through how ?

So creating a environment means you have to start managing your inner and outer thoughts


You just can’t sit and work with a mind going on different things so figuring out the things in your minds is helpful to be productive and create a signal when you start wondering other things and

hey look i am not suppose to this right now

what are doing get back to work this shit is not giving you anything

these are mine look at yourself and create your own.

Outside environment

This means looking things around you and making them distraction free just like keep your work space clean make yourself comfortable with what you’re doing some major source of distraction are social media, mails so i really think if you wanna be productive go offline.


Never forget to reward yourself just imagine you have finished a complex project rather then moving on to other project give yourself a reward of 30 min or 1hour break it helps your brain to rest and makes you feel comfortable and free when head up to other project you'll feel way better.

The five more rule

It goes like this whenever you feel like quitting, just do five more mins -five more lines which will extend your capacity it pushes you beyond the point of frustration and helps build mental concentration These type of little pushes will pay off in long run.

Use sticky notes

using sticky notes is a very effective and clean way to manage your day to day tasks. plus use these notes to give you little pushes throughout the day, and don’t forget to appreciate yourself for the hard work you are doing. its easy to keep track of how many tasks are pending.

Breaking down rule

Breaking down your complex work to small tasks and list them up to save your time and help you to concentrate more on work.

Set an artificial project deadline

Rather then giving yourself entire afternoon Give yourself 50 minutes to complete the task and spend more attention and energy on that project because it can no longer occupies the time before you need.

Working in quarantine

Now days you all are sitting in homes and working from home is quite difficult so here’s a trick-

working from home, housekeeping activities can become your greatest distractions.You don’t have to worry about that.Instead of performing those tasks at any time of the day, sort them out in an organized block. Then, schedule the blocks and take them out when you are tired or need a mental break.

Thanks for reading , if you enjoyed the read don’t forget to share this with a friend.

i hope you have a productive day a ahead, stay safe,stay productive.

